Thursday, January 27, 2011

"The Curious Researcher 2"

Part 1 of Chapter 2 in Ballenger's "Curious Researcher" expresses the pros and cons of both library research and internet research.

I've always preferred library research to internet research.  One reason I do is due to the difficulty finding valid sources online or knowing which are invalid.  Ballenger addresses this problem with helpful tips on refining keywords to produce a more focused search.

I agree that many students prefer online research to the library just because it is easier.

On my first library research day, I had trouble knowing where to start.  There were so many books, and I was still unfamiliar with the organization.  A librarian helped me get comfortable with the search engine for the library, and Ballenger enforced that knowledge with his book.

Now I feel a bit more confident searching for my topic.

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