I'm almost done my site! Yay!
I've gotten the Primary Research video all edited and put together, and I've analyzed it. Now all that's left is the intro video. Who knows, maybe I'll have it done by Monday.
Listening and watching some of the other presentations, I've gotten some great ideas on how to present my website better. I like how one of the presenters wrote some notecards to help her. What I didn't really like was the seemingly lackadaisical attitude some of them had, especially when talking about some emotional topics. I'll be sure to present my site like a tour guide and write notecards to help me remember what to say.
I'll have to keep the presentation brief, since the interview video is almost 5 minutes long, and I don't know how long the intro video will be, probably rather short.
Other than that, I think I'm pretty pleased with my site, especially since I've never done one before.
It sounds like you are much more confident now, (maybe I should have read this post first!). I think it helps to see what some of your classmates are doing, and I'm glad you are considering what you want to do differently in your own presentation. I'm excited to see the final product!