Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Unit 3 starts

In unit 2, I enjoyed building my first website. I spent much of my time making my animation giving a brief history of ocean exploration. It turned out much better than I could have ever expected, since I only had two weeks to work on it.

Now that unit 3 has begun, I'm beginning to put together my different options for an argumentative essay. On my website, I presented many sides of ocean exploration and commercialism. How people not only explore, but how they make a profit.

I was just given an article about billionaire Richard Branson's newest plan for exploration.  He's unveiled a single-person deep-sea submersible that he'll use to explore the bottom of some of the deepest ocean trenches.  This would be a great addition to my sources, since it's a perfect modern-day example of someone's personal drive to explore the unknown for the sake of knowledge.

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