Researches in Technology (article):
This is probably one of the better sources I have. It gives a good history of deep ocean exploration, which I will use to show how technology has helped us explore the unknown. In my paper, I will most likely weave an argument that has spanned the history of oceanography.
Poseidon Undersea Resort (website):
The official website for Poseidon Resorts is a great source that I can’t ignore. It gives much of the information I need from the opposing side (the commercial side). I agree with much of what Poseidon is doing, but most of it is just too invasive on the fragile environment. In my paper, I hope to present what I agree and what I don’t agree with about this resort (as written in “They Say, I Say”).
Aquarius (website):
Unlike the Poseidon Undersea Resort, this underwater structure (one of only 3 anchored to the ocean floor) is an observatory. The official site for aquarius talks about the who, what, where, and why involved in the observatory. I think this will be a great source to show what a good method of invading the fragile ocean should look like. I can use it to combat Poseidon Resort.
Back to the Bottom (article):
In this article, we read about new technology being developed at Woods Hole’s deep submergence laboratory in Cape Cod, Massachusetts. This article, along with the following, I can use to give two modern examples of technology development. This is a University project, so students are involved in this.
Richard Branson (article):
Richard Branson is a modern billionaire explorer who has all the gadgets (like Batman). He has revealed his latest creation, a deep-sea submersible. This article is great for other sources as well, since it mentions interviews I can look up. I will use this one, in comparison to the last one, to show both private industry’s and public industry’s drive to invent and explore the ocean.
I'll put the actual links and names of the sources later. I'm too hungry right now.... must eat!
It looks like you have a great start to your annotated bib, Jude--of course, the annotations will be a bit longer for the full version, but it looks like you have some very interesting and diverse sources to work with.