Sunday, February 6, 2011

Ballenger Chapter 4

This chapter is great for a guideline.  It really comes in handy to have a source that will walk you step by step through the drafting process of your paper, which is what this does.  Not only does it help you quote, summarize, and paraphrase, but it makes sure you know how to then cite the source, which can be really confusing.

I'm afraid I may not have thorough enough sources to cover a topic on modern technology, but I certainly have enough for deep-sea exploration.  I've been debating on using the topic of new discoveries for my exploratory essay.  It's such a fascinating topic to begin with.  Just imagine what kinds of things are discovered during film documentaries like, "Blue Planet"or "Planet Earth," which both have an entire episode on deep ocean, the creatures, and the technology.  It may be a good source to watch these films.

Ballenger is such an easy read.  He has helped so much so far and especially in this chapter.  While reading him, my mind automatically tries to apply them to my own paper.  I find myself wondering how I can make my topic interesting?  Do I have enough questions and sources to answer them?  I don't even know what kinds of discoveries are being made right now.  I just saw something on a news video that a prehistoric shark, thought to be long extinct, was found (alive) swimming around in Japanese waters.  Amazing!  What else is being found?

1 comment:

  1. I should have read this post first! It sounds like you have recognized your issue before I did, and corrected it. I think it will be a good decision to focus mainly on deep-sea exploration. However, I still have many of the same questions I asked in your "Friday Before Class" entry.
