Friday, February 25, 2011

Friday Before Class: Feb 25

It's too cold to roam across campus to the library.  There's a thin blanket of snow covering every surface, and it's begun snowing again.  I can't say I don't enjoy the snow, but really, I wish it would decide whether it's winter or spring already!

My topic's proving to be a tough one.  As I'm search for sources and people to interview, it's becoming apparent that this topic isn't all that common.  I thought about interviewing a marine biologist professor, but I can't find any!  Can you believe it?  Boise State doesn't seem to have a department for it.  Sure, there's a biology department, but not, as far as I can tell, a marine biology department.  I tried searching for oceanography or something related to that, but Boise State lacks this department too.  I'm running out of tangible sources, and I can't find anyone to interview on the specific field!  Why did I choose such a tough topic?

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